Editors Barrie – Executive Roles


  • Twigs must elect two coordinators each year.
  • Co-coordinators may serve for two consecutive years in the same role.
  • Co-coordinators must be members.
  • They may recruit volunteers as required.
  • Twig coordinators are meant to serve staggered two-year terms with one new coordinator being elected each year.
  • Coordinators must hold a minimum of 4 membership meetings a year.
  • One of those meetings must be the AGM.
  • The AGM must include Twig coordinator elections which must be held prior to the National AGM.
  • A quorum for a Twig AGM is 3 people.
  • Coordinators must manage the Twig budget (old mandate).
  • They must prepare a biannual report.
  • They are encouraged to interact with other Twig coordinators, to engage in joint activities, to share costs of guest speakers.
  • They are encouraged to brainstorm with other coordinators about how to best serve their membership and attract new members in the area.
  • Editors Barrie falls under the Eastern division. 
  • Coordinators are encouraged to seek guidance from their Eastern Director (presently Anne Godlewski) on most matters. She can then redirect our questions as required.


  • One week before planning meeting, send Agenda to attendees.
  • Call for possible amendments and additions.
  • Minutes should be taken at each meeting.
  • Minutes distributed to attendees post meeting.
  • File archived Agendas and Minutes in DropBox (now Google Drive). (This one is new to me.)

Media Coordinator & Marketing

  • Communicate with members via social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram).
  • Develop a public account rather than a personal one.
  • Follow all Editors Canada national branding guidelines when using social media. See Volunteer Resources on the EC website for more details.
  • Use the full legal name of Editors Canada on first occasion of use, followed by EC thereafter.
  • For policy and procedure documents, use the full bilingual legal name on first occasion of use.
  • Two months prior to an event, prepare a list of promotional activities, tasks, and timelines for volunteers.
  • Record which promotions work best.
  • Ask the speaker to provide own promotional materials.
  • Send speaker’s information to the Branch Chair (Anne Godlewski) who can add the event to the EC website.
  • Send event reminders and email blasts to Twig members.
  • Promote events through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogs, as well as community portals such as colleges, universities, PR firms, librarians, and teachers.
  • Monitor numbers of participants enrolled as event approaches.
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